Monday, October 13, 2008

Inability to Post

Yesterday Bree was gone all day on a field trip of sorts for her herbal medicine program. She left early in the morning to go high up in the mountains of Boulder County to harvest osha ( with her class. Although I was somewhat dreading having to look after Rachel all day by myself, I anticipated being able to get caught up a little on some of the things which I wanted to write about in this blog.

It turned out to be an especially exhausting day and I couldn't get myself to shift gears away from focusing on my fussy little girl even for a few minutes to do any of the writing I had planned. Instead I carried her around the house while she screamed and watched over her nervously during her brief naps. Rachel still has a strong aversion to taking the bottle, but has shown some interest in eating runny rice cereal mixed with breast milk from a tiny spoon. Although this type of feeding is very time consuming and incredibly messy, I think it is all that got us through the 9 hours or so that mommy was out of the house.

I fell asleep almost as soon as my wife got home and am still tired and out of sorts at work today. Rachel and I are not looking forward to next week when mommy goes back to work and will be gone most evenings. Perhaps things will start going better for Rachel and I and I will be able to handle a few more posts. We are keeping our fingers crossed.


Brian Hinshaw said...

Bree is harvesting the Occupational Health and Safety Administration?

Does that mean I don't have to tape down extension cords anymore?

Trevor said...

Actually, you still have to tape down extension cords, but only when the cord you are using has lots of exposed copper and is sparking. Otherwise you don't need to.